Emergency Response

Emergency Response: Dealing With Crisis

Emergency Response: Dealing With Crisis

Chief William Evans, former Commissioner of the Boston Police Department, talks about dealing with inner-city violence as well as the major challenges associated with The Boston Marathon bombings, Occupy Boston and numerous protests.

Active Threat Response Techniques: Lockdowns and More

Active Threat Response Techniques: Lockdowns and More

Although we may respond in a similar manner, it’s important for schools to understand that each type of shooting/threat event requires a different prevention strategy. Lockdown should not be the only choice you give your staff, but your school must have an Active Threat Plan that includes Lockdown as an option for when the highest threat level arises: when the threat is inside the building.

In this session you’ll learn ways to enhance your school lockdowns and how to respond to both critical events and active threats.

Disaster! How School Districts Can Prepare for the Worst Through Collaboration and Community Partnerships

Disaster! How School Districts Can Prepare for the Worst Through Collaboration and Community Partnerships

Alan Walters the Director of Safety and Risk Management for the Georgetown County School District walks participants through his personal experiences of a rare ice storm, a 1,000-year flood and Hurricane Matthew in a less than three years. Participants will learn how each incident helped GCSD become better prepared to deal with the next weather event.

Active Shooter Response: How to Run, Hide, and Fight

Active Shooter Response: How to Run, Hide, and Fight

John Weinstein the Lieutenant/Commander, Strategic Planning and Outreach at the Northern Virginia Community College addresses two key problems with “run/hide/fight” response strategy.