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Marisa Randazzo, PhD

Chief Executive Officer
SIGMA Threat Management Associates, LLC
Marisa Randazzo, PhD

Dr. Randazzo is CEO and founder of SIGMA Threat Management Associates, LLC.  She is recognized internationally as an expert on threat assessment and threat management, school shootings, other targeted violence, and protective intelligence investigations. She also serves as director of threat assessment for Georgetown University.

Previously, Dr. Randazzo served for ten years with the U.S. Secret Service, most recently as the agency’s chief research psychologist. She is an accomplished presenter on threat assessment investigations, having trained more than 15,000 professionals in law enforcement, management, administration, mental health and the intelligence community throughout the United States, Canada and the European Union. Her work is used throughout federal, state and local law enforcement communities and has been credited with preventing planned attacks. She is co-author of two leading books: “The Handbook for Campus Threat Assessment and Management Teams” (2008) and “Implementing Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: A Virginia Tech Demonstration Project” (2009).

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