Aaron Coles founded Drift Net Securities on the principle that safety is a human right, especially for future generations of young people.
The events of the shooting at Columbine HS shaped Aaron’s experiences throughout his school years. Even as a very young person, he understood that these violent atrocities could happen to anyone at any time; his siblings, his friends, his school. In first grade he experienced his first lockdown and never felt safe in school again because he understood that his safety at school was in the hands of the adults around him.
He was always motivated by the desire to protect others, and after seeing rampage school violence played out again at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Aaron decided to focus his engineering skills on developing a solution that could be used for better prevention and crisis response in schools.
Aaron invented the KnowWhere Campus Safety System to fill the gap that he saw in the security industry and provide to schools the highest functioning and most affordable solution on the market today.
Leading Drift Net Securities as the CEO and CTO, he continues to innovate an industry that until now has been stagnant. Aaron often says that he measures the success of his work and Drift Net Securities by the number of lives protected, not the number of dollars collected.